Sunday, July 24, 2011

Cell Phone Capabilities

The communications technology that is the most significant has to be the improvements in cell phone capabilities. Almost every person has used a cell phone once, and more people are beginning to use them daily for more than just making phone calls. Wireless phones were once just bulky suitcase looking batteries that people lugged around to make short calls. Today, there seems to be an increasing amount of those ceasing the use of landlines. With the improvement in technology cell phones allow people to send instant text messages, browse open source markets to download applications for a plethora of uses such as games, lifestyle, productivity, etc., make customized ringtones, browse the internet, purchase items, make an electronic deposit to your bank account, and the list can go on and on. Now, anything you can do on your laptop or desktop you can do on your cell phone. I feel people should be interested in this technology because it is the future and the direction society is moving towards. You can activate your alarm system to your house or car, order plane tickets or even video chat with someone. The technology is making life, in all aspects, more convenient for people while moving at a fast pace.


  1. Cell phone technology is moving at such a rapid pace, which is both good and bad. We are constantly getting great phones available to us, but by the time all the "bugs" are worked out of that phone, it's already outdated. We also get locked into 2 year plans, and we usually want to upgrade our phone a year later. Cell phone technology is really taking off, it will be interesting to see what cell phones are like in 10 years.
    Amy Sims

  2. it's amazing how much we depend on cell phones nowadays. im sure that if we didn't depend so much on cell phones, their capacity would be much smaller than it is today. if it weren't for our demand to have the biggest and the best, or in this case the smallest and the fastest, technology then the market would have no use in selling us this kind of advanced technology anyways.
    -Daniela Avilas-

  3. Cell phones are becoming so entrenched in our culture that people go through withdrawals if they do not have their phone on them at all times. Ringtones, applications, and television/movie services have made the cell phone something that is not just for calling and texting. Texting is also huge, although, texting has made the common conversation obsolete, and the use of proper grammar obsolete as well.

  4. The cell phone has changed the lives of American in more ways than one. I agree, this is the direction society has chosen take. However, at the same time I feel the cell phone and its many capabilities have consumed the American people. As a society, where should we draw the line and set limits to our cell phones? The city of San Antonio has taken a step forward in the process by not allowing text messaging while driving. While it may be inconvenient for some, I feel it was very necessary to take this precaution.

    -Carlos Garcia

  5. Cell phones are arguably the number one way people communicate today. With all the new technology that is out now you can go on the internet and even download video games on your cell phone. As far as cell phones have come it seems that the capabilities it could have in the future are limitless.

  6. I definitely am anything but technologically savvy, but I have to admit that I don't know what I would do without my beloved cell phone. I feel kind of like a sell-out because I have always considered myself to be independent and not too much of a follower when it comes to technology, (the fact that I'm terrible at it was just an added bonus) but the benefits and convenience that it offers makes me weak!

  7. This is true. Cell phones are a huge "needed" factor in the U.S. sometimes it's ridiculous how people go through a withdrawal period if they are without their cell phone for even a couple of hours. Personally I love having my cell phone, but sometimes I even take some time away from it and put it on vibrate so I don't have to hear it go off every couple of minutes.
    Megan Nash
