Thursday, August 4, 2011


            The world has come a long way since the telegraph, phonograph, radio, and television. These communication technologies were invented to break barriers of communications. We are always finding ways to overcome distances and ways to communicate efficiently and effectively. The desire for progression in communication has led to the convergence of multimedia. “Resolving such performance gaps through a knowledge of business’s activities and a technology’s potential to facilitate these activities is likely to increase the search by both technology providers and users for relevant uses of new technologies, thus serving as a stimulus for innovation (“Information Technology Innovativeness”.) A prime example would be what is called Skype. What is Skype? It is a communication technology created to break down barriers to communication. Skype is a software application to communicate by voice calls, video calls, and chats over the Internet. This Internet based software allows people to make calls to phones, send text messages, send offline video messages, live video calls, instant messages, group conferences, and file sharing. The invention of the source to each of these types of communication is all put into one. It is a very efficient way to get in contact with a recipient. Skype can be accessed through a computer, mobile phone, and television. It uses the VoIP network and operates on a “peer-to-peer” model. The bandwidth efficiency and low costs VoIP types of communications such as Skype are the reason for gradual migration from traditional copper wire telephone systems. The idea of a unified communication system appeals to the daily person today whom is always searching to cut time and live effectively and efficiently. 

Lind, M.R., & Zmud, R.W. (1991). The influence of a convergence in understanding between technology providers and users on information technology innovativeness. Organization Science2(2), 195-217.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Cell Phone Capabilities

The communications technology that is the most significant has to be the improvements in cell phone capabilities. Almost every person has used a cell phone once, and more people are beginning to use them daily for more than just making phone calls. Wireless phones were once just bulky suitcase looking batteries that people lugged around to make short calls. Today, there seems to be an increasing amount of those ceasing the use of landlines. With the improvement in technology cell phones allow people to send instant text messages, browse open source markets to download applications for a plethora of uses such as games, lifestyle, productivity, etc., make customized ringtones, browse the internet, purchase items, make an electronic deposit to your bank account, and the list can go on and on. Now, anything you can do on your laptop or desktop you can do on your cell phone. I feel people should be interested in this technology because it is the future and the direction society is moving towards. You can activate your alarm system to your house or car, order plane tickets or even video chat with someone. The technology is making life, in all aspects, more convenient for people while moving at a fast pace.